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About Penney

For 35 years, Penney Leyshon has maintained a private practice as a spiritual healer in New York City.  She has worked with thousands of clients from all walks of life and has sold hundreds of her original healing art pieces and products.

"I grew up in Staten Island, New York. I knew very little about healing before 1981. That year, after a near-death experience, an amazing ability was given to me - or uprooted through me - an intense healing power. Through my eyes I saw differently. I received strong multiple messages that I connected and put into words people could understand.

In 1990, once again and profoundly, my whole life was jarred. I underwent and responded to different experiences of intensely exaggerated episodic sequences of death and life. I have been in and gone through many arduous and initiatory states of opening to be blessed with incisive guidance, and to be able to gift a person's own power back to them."






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